Do this simple thing to amplify your positive impact.


Not everyone wants to be front and centre, shouting from the rooftops about their personal views, values and visions for a better world. 

However, most of us do have issues we feel strongly about and positive change that we hope to see. As a sustainability organisation, it’s clear that Why Waste is devoted to healing and caring for the natural world. 

This desire for positive change, once enacted even in small ways, can bring deep meaning and purpose to our lives. It is a driving force behind many of the most influential people who become leaders and change makers. It brings courage, passion and energy that is highly contagious. 

Activists and visionaries aside, there is one simple piece of human psychology that every single person can engage with to quietly and effectively expand their influence and create positive change.

So, what might that be?

Be Seen.

Humans are hard-wired to mimic each other’s behaviour. We take the lead from those around us, especially when we witness something making another seem happy, strong or healthy. To break the cycle of outdated, unsustainable practices we need to be willing to be seen doing things differently. 

When your own actions become visible to others there is an instant increase in curiosity. Ride your bike to work and park it where others can see, carry a cloth grocery bag or beautiful basket through the supermarket, share a picture of your new worm farm on social media. 

This is not about convincing, bragging or competing. There is no need to change your whole identity, it is simply about letting the things that really matter to you be seen as they are. 

Across the ages, change spreads through social imitation. As Illaria Schultz from Behavioural Scientist Magazine writes, “We like to be a little different, but not too different”. 

This is perfect, because steady, sustainable change happens in small increments. It’s enough that you spark a shift in one, two or 2,000 people. It’s a ripple effect and something all of us can achieve very easily. 

Are you ready to be seen?

If so, what would you like to be seen doing?

Tara Fowler